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Whittemore Park Middle School

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Title 1 Information

Whittemore Park Middle is a Title I school

Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal program that provides opportunities for students served to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet challenging state content standards.

Title I resources are distributed to schools where needs are the greatest, to make a difference in the improvement of education.

Our school continually monitors the implementation of the Title I plan and welcomes input from parents, school staff, and community members regarding its current and future Title I plans.  If you would like to participate in the school’s Title I planning team or make comments on the plan, please contact the principal.


Please complete the Title One survey for the 2023-2024 School Year.


Title One Newsletter

Title One Newsletter
Title One Newsletter

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Family Engagement Policy

School-Parent Compact

Family Involvement Information
Family Involvement Information

HCS Parent and Family Engagement

District Family Policy
District Family Policy

Please check out the links below for our monthly parenting newsletters tailored especially for Parents of middle schoolers.